Friday, February 15, 2013

2/14/13: State College, PA

Un-Happy Valentine's Day from the Addams Family on the road!

Our 'special day' was spent traveling to and performing our first 'one-nighter' - which are just what they sound like.  You get on the bus, travel all day to the city, go to the theatre and perform, pass out at the hotel, then get on the bus to travel to the next city.  Its more hectic for the crew than it is the cast as they have to build the set, run the show and then take down the set all in one day. But everyone got into the Valentines spirit regardless - a few cards on the bus - some candy - and some of the crew girls dolled up for the show - Addams style!

But here we are - in the home of Penn State University.  Sadly, it seems like a fun little town - with a ton of shops, restaurants and bars that we won't get to see as we're heading out in a few hours.  But from what I've seen, its a typical college town - full of life and young people.  This campus also has a place called The Creamery - which is an ice cream facility where students learn the art of making and perfecting ice cream.  Its where Ben and Jerry went and met before they opened up their little factory.  I'm hoping to get a chance to walk over there before we leave - but may not make it before our bus call at 11...

The show itself went very well - in and out.  Its kinda weird thinking that we won't be there again tonight, but so is the way of tour life - onto the next big thing.  Which in our case is Scranton, PA - home of The Office.