Sunday, March 31, 2013

3/28/13-3/30/13: Sioux Falls, SD

Sioux Falls is far away. 


It took 2 days, 3 bus trips and 2 plane rides for us to get there - and we arrived just in time to look around a tiny bit before our first show.  And it also surprised me (that's been happening a lot - apparently my inner view of what the country is like is all askew - but hey they say travel broadens the mind).  The city itself has a very hipster feel to it - lots of trendy looking shops and not one chain restaurant in site - all trendy locally owned ones (including one of the best burgers I've ever had in my life at JL Beers - which also give out free 'Beergrams' aka postcards that they will post for you free of charge).  There are statues done by local artists all up and down the main strip of town as well - lots to see.

I took a mini trip to Falls Park to see Sioux Falls (had to - its right in the name of the town).  And while they are not the largest falls I've ever seen by far - it was cool none the less.  The park itself is very pretty too - and was only a 15 minute walk from the hotel.  Sadly the Viewing Tower and visitor center was only open Saturday and Sunday so I couldn't see them from above, but I got the gist of it from the ground level.

The venue we were performing in was in the Washington Pavilion  - which seems to be the all purpose entertainment center for the town.  It houses: an art museum, a science museum, an African American history museum, a museum that showcases the building's original use as a high school, 2 performing spaces and a movie theatre.  That's a lot for one building (lol). We arrived on the opening of a new exhibit that they called Seuss Falls - dedicated to the artwork of Dr. Seuss - so of course, being one of his characters, I had to check it out.  Very cool - if it comes to your area (probably under a different name...) you should go.  A lot of his art and story work was more risque than I realized - pushing the boundaries of political correctness and subconsciously teaching against racism and fascism.  He also had a fun Addamsy dark side to him too...

Next we start another series of one night-ers leading up to our 2 week sit down in FL.  Send strength our way - we'll need it!