Sunday, July 28, 2013

7/22/13-7/28/13: Singapore Week 3

What can I say?  Singapore - you've completely won me over!

Let me give you a rundown on what I spent the week doing when I wasn't in the show first...

I took it easy for most of the week - as I am going to be a super-tourist during my time off for the next 2 weeks, but I did still continue to explore along with the sleeping and watching seasons 2-5 of Sex and the City...

Firstly, I made it out to the Gardens By The Bay in Marina Bay.  Well, the indoor gardens... GBTB is a  fairly new installation by the Marina Bay Sands.  They have 2 huge biodomes - one with a recreated Cloud Forest and a Flower Dome that houses plants from all over the world.  There are also several Supertrees that they've built in the outdoor gardens that apparently irrigate the entire outdoor garden area - which is huge and has sections for fauna and flora from all over Asia.  First, we checked out the Cloud Forest, who's center is a large mountain with a roaring waterfall.  The inside was incredibly - absolutely breathtaking.  There were so many different types of plant life that I've never see before.  And it was cool to walk through huge floating cloud formations that surround the mountain as you worked your way down.  Next was the Flower Dome - which had no waterfall but also really impressed me.  There were so many interesting plants - it was like walking into a world created by Tim Burton - but everything was REAL.  I highly recommend stopping in here if you make it to Singapore - it  really was a dazzling experience.  If it had been cooler - we would have strolled through the outside gardens as well, but as it was...I sweat my butt off just getting to the indoor gardens (lol).

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One night after the show, we wound up at the Newton Hawker stalls with our local girls.  A group of us had gone on their own last week and since they had no locals to look out for them - were majorly scammed.  They payed about $480 for probably what should have been $250 or so... But I felt confident with our girls - and wasn't disappointed.  For a mere $26 per person, we had Chili Crab (way better than the one I had before even), Tiger Prawns, Cereal Prawns, Oyster Omelets, Fried Rice, Fried Noodles, Bone marrow, drinks and even some Durian (not me of course) for desert. Was probably the best meal I had the whole time I was here.

Last night we played our last show here in Singapore at the Festive Grand.  This truly was an epic experience.  I cannot even hint at how amazing the audiences response to us was - especially on Twitter and Facebook.  The ones who came out to see us after the shows were overwhelming as well - Some were there 2 or 3 times!  Last night we had a fan make cookies shaped like all the ancestors and the family - unbelievable!! 

Our time here is one I will never forget - not only was it our longest sit down of the entire run but I've experienced things here that I never could of at home and met people so sweet and appreciative and helpful and just all around pleasant to be around.  This truly was the way to start off our time here in Asia.  Thank you everyone who's made our journey here such a great one!

I'm writing this as I wait for my plane to Bangkok, Thailand at Changi Airport - which can only mean one thing... VACATION!!! Thats right!  I'm off to Thailand for a week and a half before re-joining the company in Hong Kong so we can all travel into China proper together for our next set of shows.  Wish me luck - and I'll keep you posted on my Thai adventures :)