Saturday, November 9, 2013

11/9/2013: Carbondale, IL

Today was a first.

We hit a theatre that A) Couldn't fit our show completely - but B) Also had no fly systems we could really use.  If you're not in the 'theatre-know' - a Fly System is a series of metal bars that hang over the stage where shows hang set pieces, background drops, curtains and lights - its how scene changes happen by 'Flying' the things hung from them out of view from the audience or 'Flying' them down onto the stage.

So basically we had one uniform set - Our NYC skyline and one black curtain hung center stage that COULD fly out.  It was different - lol - but it worked for what it needed to be.  We were the last touring show to come through the theatre at Carbondale (probably for that reason) - but the crowd was enthusiastic - though small.  We were at a college and competing with a local game (which included a marching band that literally almost ran me over on the way into the theatre) and (I heard) a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show - so I get it...

My favorite part of the night, however, was when the Wig local put my toupee on me in the wings and asked if she should pin it my scalp.  To which I replied "Please don't" and promptly ran away.

But all in all the show was enjoyed - which is really the whole point anyway.  Next off to Baton Rouge for a (sort of) day off (on the bus) and a show!